A highly respected fertility specialist and surgeon
Adrian Lower is widely recognised as one of the best fertility specialists in London and in addition to providing a bespoke assisted conception service he is a highly accomplished reproductive surgeon with particular expertise in the treatment uterine fibroids and Asherman’s syndrome. He is also highly experienced in gynaecological ultrasound scanning and is able to offer same day scans using a state-of-the-art 3D ultrasound scanner in his office. He is empathetic and careful in his approach to the most complex cases calling on more than 30 years experience in the field. Individualising patient care to suit the needs of the individual rather than a one size fits all approach. He has a knack of making the most complex problems understandable to his patients and involves them closely in the decision-making process.
His assisted conception and egg freezing service is provided in a satellite arrangement with fertility clinics run by trusted colleagues so he can provide maximum support for his patients rather than having to worry about managing a busy clinic himself. It also means that he can choose the clinic best suited to his patient’s needs. He also works with clinics in the US where he is able to refer patients for egg donation, surrogacy and gender selection. He manages the preparation and monitoring of IVF patients from his office in Upper Wimpole St and patients only go to the clinic for the egg collection and embryo transfer and is trialling a novel home scanning programme to monitor follicle growth.
His surgical practice began in the early 1990’s when he was appointed as a consultant at St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Hospitals where he established a national training centre for minimal access surgery. His pioneering approach in the early days led to him being one of the first gynaecologists to offer laparoscopic myomectomy (“keyhole surgery”) for uterine fibroids. He has an international reputation and has travelled extensively around the world teaching these techniques.
Many of his patients come after a number of miscarriages where intrauterine adhesions following surgical procedures in the uterus lead to reduction or even cessation of the menstrual periods, a condition known as Asherman’s syndrome. Adrian Lower has developed a multimodal approach to the hysteroscopic management of intrauterine adhesions with ultrasound and X-ray control and is one of only 2 surgeons in the UK recommended for this condition by the International Asherman’s Syndrome organisation.
Mr Lower is widely published in peer reviewed journals and acts as a reviewer himself. He has contributed to a number of major textbooks of Gynaecological Surgery. In addition, he has often been invited to teach master classes in his areas of surgical specialty, and has been an invited speaker at international scientific meetings.
He has also appeared in articles in the lay press, television and radio and has acted as a spokesman for the British Fertilty Society. He has been listed in the Tatler Good Doctor Guide as one of the top 150 doctors in the country since 2005.
He is a keen yachtsman and enjoys fly fishing during his leisure time.
A list of his publications is available here