The Asherman’s Syndrome Surgical Centre was founded by Adrian Lower, a senior gynaecologist with more than 30 years experience of treating the Asherman’s syndrome, to promote safe, systematic and effective treatment in a specialist centre.
Located in the heart of London’s Harley St area we offer a one stop diagnosis clinic with state-of-the-art 3D ultrasound scanning and outpatient hysteroscopy facilities in our consulting rooms at 9 Upper Wimpole St. We also work in partnership with the Fitzrovia Hospital in Fitzroy Square where we can offer more complex procedures under general anaesthetic in a dedicated operating theatre offering multimodal imaging facilities including intra-operative xray and ultrasound scanning and hysteroscopy utilising tiny operative hysteroscopes less than 2mm in diameter.
Meet the Team
Mr Adrian Lower

Adrian Lower is widely recognised as one of the United Kingdom’s most experienced surgeons at treating Asherman’s syndrome. He has more than 30 years experience of hysteroscopic surgery and has developed a multimodal approach to treatment of Asherman’s syndrome using a micro-hysteroscope under ultrasound and X-ray control.
He is highly experienced in gynaecological ultrasound scanning and performs 3D ultrasound scans in his office as part of the initial assessment. He is also able to offer outpatient hysteroscopy and saline sonography in the consulting rooms.
Mr Lower understands that Asherman’s syndrome is more common in women who have had recurrent miscarriage. He recognises the importance of investigation and treatment of certain conditions in order to reduce the chance of a potentially avoidable miscarriage.
He is also highly experienced in reproductive medicine and is able to offer IVF and PGT-a procedures eliminating the risk of miscarriage caused by aneuploidy (abnormal number of chromosomes), the most common cause of miscarriage in older women.
He is empathetic and careful in his approach to the most complex cases calling on more than 30 years experience in the field. He tailors patient care to suit the needs of the individual rather than a one size fits all approach. He has a knack of making the most complex problems understandable to his patients and involves them closely in the decision-making process.
To make an appointment please call 02074862440 or email:
Gill Holland

Practice Manager and patient experience lead, Gill has more than 25 years experience running a busy gynaecological practice. She is a font of knowledge and will help with booking appointments and claiming from your insurance company where possible.
She is calm, approachable and hugely capable.
Get in Touch
Please call or email
+44 207 486 2440